How to Become an Officer of Global Chapter
1.) Be active in visible in the group for a consistently long time.
2.) Be supportive. Be helpful.
3.) Participate outside of FB – complete a #SBSRAK
4.) Be a member in good standing for a duration of time.
5.) An Officer must nominate you.
6.) Each Officer group reviews your nomination based on different criteria.
7.) Global Officers vote on your admittance.
8.) You’re presented with an option to accept a seat.
9.) You will complete a video recorded Oath to our Brotherhood.
10.) You will be introduced to the inner workings of SBS.
Officer + Member Ranks

33 – Global Officers
Grand United Global Chapter No.1 of the Skull and Beard Society
These Officers run Skull and Beard Global. They organize Chapter Development and maintain By-Laws.

General monitor the actions of the Majors and shall serve in the duties of the Majors.

Majors monitor the actions of the Captains and shall serve in the duties of the Captains, Sergeants and Scouts.

Captains shall monitor the actions of the Scouts and shall be in charge of monitoring the actions and comportment of the zones, chapters and groups whether physical or on social media for their compliance with the requirements and ideals of the Society. Captains may exercise full moderator authority of social media usage by the members, groups and zones.

Sergeants shall monitor the social media usage and posts of chapters and groups for compliance with the standards and rules of the Society. Sergeants shall notify and consult with Captains regarding potential violations before taking any action, but may exercise moderator powers without consultation in extreme, exigent situations.

Scouts welcome new members and notify the respective chapter or zone of a new member who may qualify for membership within it. A member may attain the rank of Scout after being a member of the Society for six months and requesting the rank by applying here. Scouts vet regular members for Nomad application.

Nomads are highly active and vetted members who have not yet become members of a Chapter, but are pre-approved by SBS Global Officers to join a Chapter. Nomads may participate in a Chapter’s meetings and activities without becoming a Chapter member only until the end on the Chapter’s current fiscal year.

Active Guardians
Active Guardians suggest Mentors and monitor Mentor applications. They monitor Guardian social media chats contemporaneously with the membership officers and ranks. Active Guardians care for gifts to the Society and nominate recipients for such gifts.