Skull and Beard Society – Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)
1. Are there any dues required to join the Skull and Beard Society?
There are no dues, but we do ask that you interact from time to time in order for us to get to know you and consider you a Brother.
2. Can I advertise on the page?
No. This rule specifically relates to all agents / ambassadors and / or owner of product or service based companies, please refrain from doing so. This group setting is sponsored by Bisson Combs. Out of respect for our Brothers, do not post any product pictures, discounts or outside links to other sites, pages and / or groups. If a Brother is found to be messaging a Brother to solicit sales, such an action will result in an immediate dismissal and revoke of his / her membership.
3. Am I free, as a regular member, to discuss beard care and / or other products?
If a request for information or discussion is posted from a Brother, yes. If you are an agent / ambassador and / or owner whom abuses this privilege (Officers discretion), you may be dismissed and have your membership immediately revoked. Our Brothers are free to discuss beard product. As stated prior, no links, product pictures or advertisements are allowed.
4. Are any type of ads allowed other than beard ones?
Certain ads are allowable, but MUST be submitted to the Officers for approval. At that time, the Officer may specify the duration of an approved ad and thus when it must be removed. If approved, the member must be sure the following statement must lead before the body of the approved post “AD Allowed Per Officer Approval”
5. Do we support Charities?
From time to time, we will allow registered charities to solicit funds. This must be reviewed and approved by a 33 Officer of Global. The requestor will be responsible for the maintenance of the post, validity of the claims and promise the intended result to be carried as action.
6. How do I know what is and is not acceptable?
Ask and Officer if you’re unsure of the content of your intended post or comment. More than likely though, if you question the intent or message, it’s likely best to avoid posting.
7. If this is a bearded group, why are non-bearded folk allowed?
We’re a Society, a Family, and a brother / sisterhood which appreciates the beard and those seeking a positive and respectful environment for which to learn and flourish as a human being. Regardless of race, sex, age, gender, orientation, preferences, practical experience and or any other label a person may identify with, we feel YOU are a part of one body… One race, The Human Race.
8. Do you have zero tolerance policies?
Yes, if there are derogatory, racial, demeaning, demoralizing, outright statements or comments that suggest an alternate meaning that goes against our mission of completely moral practice. No nude or sexually explicit pictures are allowed on a post. These things will cause someone to be immediately removed from the Society.
9. What is the mission?
Our goal is to establish a positive and significant presence in the online and public community. Many pages / groups exist that are dedicated as beard “groups,” and have their respective places with people and their needs. Skull and Beard Society is not one of these groups or pages, we’re a strong family. As such, we expect each member to work diligently to maintain an atmosphere that is non-hostile, that is positive and fully respectful of each member of the family. As in all families, there may be things you do not necessarily agree with, however and moreover we ask that you scroll on past the post or comment and avoid confrontation.
10. Is this a dating site?
No. Don’t flirt, private message or add members as friends with the intent to solicit a personal relationship.
11. Are there guidelines as to what topics should stay off the page?
We ask that you use your best judgment. Topics such as religion, politics, and emotionally heated current events should not be posted.
12.What if someone is intentionally dragging me into a controversial and heated argument?
Simple. Just avoid controversy, scroll on and / or report to an Officer if it’s warranted. This not to be considered “ratting” out a fellow member but is taking care of the overall well being of our family. It is your job to maintain the respectful, peaceful, and tranquil atmosphere of our Brotherhood. Out in the real world and in cyber space you have plenty of opportunities to exert your stance on issues. However, if you engage in an argument causing an apparent disturbance in the view of other Brothers, both parties are subject to removal regardless of fault.
13.) Why can I see posts but I can’t comment?
You’ve been MUTED for 24hrs. No posting links to ANYTHING (Eateries, Concerts, Recommendations – NOTHING) . We don’t have the time to review content that you’re linking members to. Your post will be removed and you may be MUTED within the group for 24hrs.
No product pictures, discount codes and no product pushing (suggestions when not asked or recommending too often). No matter if you’re trying to help a Brother or not, we’re not a sales group. Kind suggestion by posting a comment is certainly welcome. Sadly people make sly efforts to push products and we’re too busy to decide who’s helping sell a product and who’s actually helping people. Do any of these things and you may be MUTED for 24hrs or removed and BLOCKED from the Brotherhood.
Do not post personal videos unless approved by an Officer. They will be removed and you may be muted for 24hrs.
Contact us if you’ve been muted and a reasonable conversation will go a long way.
13.What is the 33?
Ah, the infamous and most elusive question asked by a new Brother. The number 33 has had a complex stigma and a great deal of spiritual significance in history but should not be confused and / or tied to religion as our practical use. It does represent the 33 Officers that will lead the direction of the Society.
14. How does one become a 33?
Basically, be yourself. Participate. Try to encourage Brothers through positive postings and comments which are in line with our mission as a family and thus as a Society of Brother and Sisters linked by true beard appreciation, an art. It is NOT in your favor to say “Hey, I want to be a 33 or notice me.” Officers are continually reviewing posts and comments. BE TRUE. There is no way to apply or send a request to any officer, especially directly to Ryan Reid (President), for admission, approval, or even submission. This conveys that your possible purpose for being in the Society and / or participating is simply to become a 33. Visibility is key, not only within the Society, but groups you may be a part of. Every candidate that qualifies as a suitable fit has to be nominated by two Officers and voted upon unanimously until the first 16 Officers have been elected. Thereafter, only 2 “No” votes will prevent any submission to be rejected and candidate no longer qualifies. If and only if someone is chosen as a 33, will they be notified and an announcement made. Other than between the Officers, recommendations are kept private.
15. Can someone leave the 33?
Yes. People have to follow their heart and only those who desire to be a part of this great organization will flourish here. As with any Brother, we will be saddened to see them go and wish only the best for their future. Those that retire are very welcome to remain a Brother.
16. What if I have a problem with someone in the 33? We ask first that you DO NOT post your feelings, thoughts or grievance publically. Please try and resolve conflict via Private Message. If not, address it to Ryan Reid (President) directly as such matters should not be discussed with Brothers. Our primary goal is to keep peace and remain positive at all times. With that said, as with anything, it is your choice to stay or leave. However, do not make it awkward by bashing, name calling, or trying to obtain support for those who you may wish to sway to adopt your principals. The Society highly values each and every member without judgment and asks out of respect that you exit if you are not happy. The 33 loves this family, we watch over with our hearts and wish nothing but to work for the best Brotherhood in the world.